How To Load Your Clients in LDA

All your clients and policy data can be brought into LDA, without manual entry! This guide will show you the steps you need to follow to get your client and policy data in your LDA account.

Step 1: Requesting Client Data

On the Dashboard, you'll find the Import Client option. Click here to begin.

Screenshot 2025-02-20 at 11.10.14 AM

In Import Clients, you'll find a section dedicated to requesting clients. Almost all the carriers are listed here and provide a button to request clients from that respective carrier.

Screenshot 2025-02-20 at 11.12.09 AM

This image only highlights a portion of what's available on this page.

When selecting the request clients button for one of the carriers you'll be brought to a page that looks like this:

Screenshot 2025-02-20 at 11.14.31 AM

Your name and email will appear automatically, like the example above. All you need is to enter your advisor code, or codes, with that carrier. Feel free to add extra space, a common, /, or whatever you prefer as long as you can easily determine multiple codes have been entered.

Check the box below, permitting LDA to contact the carrier on your behalf. Then, click the send button.

You'll also find the login button as an additional option. This takes you to the carrier advisor portal to download the data file containing client and policy data. Depending on the carrier, this may be the best option.

Step 2: Receiving and Providing Data to LDA

Once the request is made, you'll receive a data file from the carriers. This takes approximately 2-4 weeks, depending on the carrier. Since you're the owner of the block of business, most carriers will send the data to you! The time it takes to receive the file varies by carrier. Please contact the LDA customer success team if you have questions about specific carriers.

The data is provided through email with either a data file from the carrier or instructions on how to download it from the carrier's portals.

A direct data feed may be available through your MGA. Speak to your MGA to ask them about LDA client and policy data feeds!

When you receive the data files, please send it to either;



Once the file is provided, our team will upload it to your LDA account within 3-5 business days.

Frequently Asked Question

Does LDA have any limitations on carriers?

No! We don't have any limitations on what carriers can be imported to your LDA account.

How does the information get updated?

There are 3 ways to update the policy data in LDA;

1. Use the "Mark as Sold" feature, to save a plan presented in an LDA presentation to the clients profile.

2. Every year, we can make a new inforce request and LDA will merge the data to prevent duplication. Contact LDA custom

3. Manual entry.

What file type do I need?

LDA requires a spreadsheet file to upload the data to your account. If the carrier provides a spreadsheet, you may need to either contact them or download a spreadsheet file from the advisor portal.